Sunday, August 28, 2022

Christian Nationalism, an Existential Threat to Democracy

Christian Nationalism is a dangerous ideology mixing right wing politics and conservative Christian fundamentalism.

Christian Nationalism is an existential threat to our democracy and human rights for all and especially people of color.

It proposes that the superior, privileged white “race” rules over and against others. They fear that they will be in the minority of the US population by the middle of this century. This is why scores of states with Republican legislatures are passing voter suppression laws while limiting what history teachers can teach beyond white only subjects. 

This is why Christian Nationalist office holders and millions of their voters are passing laws that suppress the legal, human, and democratic rights of minorities. This is evident by the wins of ultra-conservatives and 2020 election deniers during this primary season.

Christian Nationalists are urging that local governments, school boards, secretaries of state (who control electoral policies) and governors be elected to dominate their agenda, even if it means eroding our democracy.

Christian Nationalists wrongly believe that our nation was founded as a Christian nation, as they ignore the First Amendment of separation of church and state.


Christian Nationalists interpret the US Constitution from the “originalist” perspective that the Constitution should be applied in the way it was originally drafted when it was signed in 1787. This was the time when most of the Constitutional Assembly delegates of the powerful southern states were slave holders, and men of means were the few electors.  Even current jurists' like Clarence Thomas, and Samuel Alito believes that the 13th, 14th, 15th, and 19th amendments and the 1964 Civil Rights and 1965 Voting Rights acts should be rescinded because they were not included in the original document. This is why the seven conservative justices on the Supreme Court voted to rescind Row v Wade because women’s choice wasn’t in the Constitution of 1787.

The only weapon we have to confront Christian Nationalism is to exercise our VOTE.

The National NAACP urges us to - VOTE AS IF YOUR LIFE DEPENDED ON IT, because it Does. Urge others to register to vote and to VOTE. Take them to the POLLS!!!

Christianity Today 

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